Sei uye Kupi Kutenga MaidSafeCoin ( MAID ) - Yakadzama Gwaro

Chii chinonzi MAID ?

What Is MaidSafeCoin (MAID)?

MaidSafeCoin (MAID) was launched in February 2006. It is a project that aims to decentralize the Internet. According to the developers, its concept predates Bitcoin (BTC) by several years.

The SAFE network works similarly to the TOR network, meaning that all online content is distributed and accessed through a peer-to-peer (P2P) mesh network.

MaidSafeCoin is a token for SafeCoin, a decentralized currency for the decentralized SAFE network, which is maintained by the users’ extra hard disk space, processing power and data connectivity level.

Who Are the Founders of MaidSafeCoin?

MaidSafeCoin was founded by David Irvine.

Irvine was also the CEO of Ayrsoft Ltd, Alba Networks and worked as a consultant at Ayrshire Business Consulting Ltd.

What Makes MaidSafeCoin Unique?

MaidSafe offers fully encrypted data storage and file sharing, the ability to use the network anonymously, censorship-resistant communication, serverless data and a scalable cryptocurrency with zero transaction fees.

The SAFE Network was designed to be secure, fully autonomous, data-centric and peer-to-peer to work as an alternative to the current client-server model. The network is primarily used by two types of members: clients and farmers.

The clients use the features of the network, including browsing, storing data and transferring money, while the farmers store and maintain the data in exchange for a monetary reward.

Related Pages:

Learn about the SandBox.

Learn about Arweave.

Learn how to use CoinMarketCap on CMC Alexandria.

Expand your knowledge of cryptocurrencies with the CoinMarketCap blog.

How Many MaidSafeCoin (MAID) Coins Are There in Circulation?

MaidSafeCoin (MAID) has a circulating supply of 452,552,412 coins, while maximum supply data is not available as of February 2021.

How Is the MaidSafeCoin Network Secured?

The SAFE network is an encrypted layer that is built on top of the current Internet and allows for autonomous data storage and networking by replacing three of the OSI networking layers.

When you transfer a file to the network, such as a photo, it is broken down into pieces (shards), hashed and fully encrypted. This data is then randomly distributed across the network, and redundant copies of the data are created so that if someone storing parts of your file turns off their computer, you can still access it from somewhere else on the network.

In addition, due to the fact that no node on the network stores your file in its entirety, they cannot fully read it, adding an extra level of security. The network automatically creates extra copies of the data that’s in high demand so that the more popular websites can be accessed from a larger number of nodes, further speeding up the system.

SAFE’s hash function is able to fully map any piece of data to 256-bit strings of characters, and the network can perform the XOR operation on the hash value in order to randomly create a unique distance to any other piece of data. This is not physical distance but a mathematical distance between two numbers.

MaidSafeCoin is opposed to centralized storage, so it provides a solution in the form of vaults. The vault software can connect you to the SAFE network and save the distributed pieces of data on your computer. The people that run the vault software are known as farmers. You can voluntarily become a farmer by notifying the network, which then sends you a proof-of-resource request to check your bandwidth and CPU power.

Where Can You Buy MaidSafeCoin (MAID)?

If you are interested in buying, selling, or trading MaidSafeCoin (MAID), you can do so on the following exchanges:

  • Bittrex
  • HitBTC

If you are new to the world of cryptocurrencies and are interested in learning how to buy Bitcoin, read our official blog post here.

MAID yakatanga kutengeswa 28th Apr, 2014 . Iine huwandu 452,552,412 . Kubva pari zvino MAID ine capitalization yemusika yeUSD ${{marketCap} }.Mutengo wazvino MAID ndeye ${{price} } uye uri pachinhanho {{rank}} paCoinmarketcapuye ichangobva kuwedzera 29.68 muzana panguva yekunyora.

MAID yakanyorwa pane akati wandei ekutsinhana kwe crypto, kusiyana nemamwe makristptocurrencies, haigone kutengwa zvakananga nemari yefiats. Nekudaro, Iwe uchiri kukwanisa kutenga mari iyi zviri nyore nekutanga kutenga Bitcoin kubva kune chero fiat-to-crypto exchanges uye wozoendesa kune iyo shanduko inopa kutengesa mari iyi, mune ino yegwaro chinyorwa tichafamba iwe nemukati zvakadzama matanho ekutenga MAID .

Danho 1: Nyoresa paFiat-to-Crypto Exchange

Iwe unozofanirwa kutanga watenga imwe yemahombe cryptocurrencies, mune iyi kesi, Bitcoin ( BTC ). Muchinyorwa chino tichafamba iwe mukati mune zvakadzama maviri eanonyanya kushandiswa-fiat-to-crypto exchanges, uye Coinbase. Kutsinhana kwese kune yavo yekubhadharisa marongero uye mamwe maficha atichapfuura nawo zvakadzama. Zvinokurudzirwa kuti uedze ese ari maviri uye uone iyo inokodzera iwe zvakanyanya.


Inokodzera vatengesi veUS

Sarudza Fiat-to-Crypto Exchange kuti uwane ruzivo:


Kuve imwe yeanonyanya kufarirwa uye ari nyore fiat-to-crypto exchanges, UpHold ine zvinotevera zvakanakira:

  • Zviri nyore kutenga uye kutengesa pakati pezvakawanda zvinhu, zvinopfuura makumi mashanu uye zvichiri kuwedzera
  • Parizvino vanopfuura 7M vashandisi pasi rese
  • Iwe unogona kunyorera UpHold Debit kadhi kwaunogona kushandisa iyo crypto assets kuaccount yako seyakajairwa kadhi rekubhengi! (US chete asi ichave muUK gare gare)
  • Zviri nyore kushandisa nharembozha kwaunogona kubvisa mari kubhangi kana chero imwe altcoin kuchinjana zviri nyore
  • Hapana mari yakavanzika uye chero imwe mari yeakaundi
  • Kune mashoma kutenga / kutengesa maodha evashandisi vepamberi
  • Iwe unogona nyore kuseta inodzokororwa dhipoziti yeDollar Cost Averaging (DCA) kana iwe uchida kubata cryptos kwenguva refu.
  • USDT, inova imwe yeanonyanya kufarirwa neUSD-backed stablecoins (chaizvoizvo crypto inotsigirwa nemari chaiyo yefiat kuitira kuti isanyanya kushanduka uye inogona kurapwa senge iyo fiat mari yayakabatiswa nayo) iripo, izvi zviri nyore kana. iyo altcoin yauri kuda kutenga ine chete USDT yekutengesa mapeya pane altcoin exchange saka haufanirwe kupfuura neimwe shanduko yemari paunenge uchitenga altcoin.
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Nyora email yako uye tinya 'Next'. Ita shuwa kuti unopa zita rako chairo sezvo UpHold inozoida iyo account uye chitupa chekuongorora. Sarudza pasiwedhi yakasimba kuitira kuti account yako ive panjodzi kune vanoba.


Iwe uchagamuchira email yekusimbisa. Vhura uye tinya pane chinongedzo chiri mukati. Iwe unozodikanwa kuti upe iyo inoshanda nharembozha yekumisikidza maviri-factor authentication (2FA), iri yekuwedzera layer kune chengetedzo yeakaundi yako uye zvinokurudzirwa kuti uchengetedze chimiro ichi chakabatidzwa.


Tevedza danho rinotevera kuti upedze ongororo yako. Matanho aya anotyisa kunyanya kana wakamirira kutenga asset asi kungofanana nemamwe masangano emari, UpHold inodzorwa munyika zhinji dzakaita seUS, UK neEU. Unogona kutora izvi sekutengeserana-kubva pakushandisa yakavimbika chikuva kuita yako yekutanga crypto kutenga. Nhau dzakanaka ndedzekuti iyo yose inonzi Ziva-Vatengi-Vatengi (KYC) maitiro atove otomatiki uye haafanire kutora anopfuura maminetsi gumi nemashanu kuti apedze.

Nhanho yechipiri: Tenga BTC nemari yefiat


Paunenge wapedza iyo KYC maitiro. Iwe uchakumbirwa kuwedzera nzira yekubhadhara. Pano iwe unogona kusarudza kupa kiredhiti / debit kadhi kana kushandisa kuendesa kubhangi. Unogona kubhadhariswa mari dzepamusoro zvichienderana nekambani yako yekadhi rechikwereti uye nemitengo isingachinji paunenge uchishandisa makadhi asi unozotengawo ipapo. Nepo kuendesa kubhangi kuchichipa asi kuchinonoka, zvichienderana nenyika yaunogara, dzimwe nyika dzinopa dhipoziti yepakarepo nemari yakaderera.


Iye zvino mese magadzirira, pa 'Transact' skrini pasi pe 'Kubva', sarudza fiat currency yako, uye ipapo pane 'Kuti' sarudza Bitcoin , tinya preview kuti uongorore kutengeserana kwako uye kudzvanya simbisa kana zvese zvichitaridzika zvakanaka. .. uye makorokoto! Iwe uchangotenga yako yekutanga crypto kutenga.

Nhanho 3: Tumira BTC kune Altcoin Exchange

Asi isu hatisati tapedza, sezvo MAID iri altcoin tinoda kuendesa BTC yedu kune imwe shanduko iyo MAID inogona kutengeswa. Pazasi pane rondedzero yekutsinhana iyo inopa kutengesa MAID mumisika yakasiyana siyana, tungamira kune avo mawebhusaiti uye kunyoresa kune account.

Kana wapedza iwe uchazofanira kuisa BTC kune exchange kubva UpHold . Mushure mekunge dhipoziti yasimbiswa iwe unogona ipapo kutenga MAID kubva pakutsinhana maonero.

Market Pair

Yekupedzisira Danho: Chengetedza MAID zvakachengeteka mune Hardware wallet

Ledger Nano S

Ledger Nano S

  • Easy to set up and friendly interface
  • Can be used on desktops and laptops
  • Lightweight and Portable
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price
Ledger Nano X

Ledger Nano X

  • More powerful secure element chip (ST33) than Ledger Nano S
  • Can be used on desktop or laptop, or even smartphone and tablet through Bluetooth integration
  • Lightweight and Portable with built-in rechargeable battery
  • Larger screen
  • More storage space than Ledger Nano S
  • Support most blockchains and wide range of (ERC-20/BEP-20) tokens
  • Multiple languages available
  • Built by a well-established company found in 2014 with great chip security
  • Affordable price

Kana uri kuronga kuchengeta("hodl" sezvingataurwa nevamwe, kutadza kupetwa "bata" izvo zvinozozivikanwa nekufamba kwenguva) yako MAID kwenguva yakareba, ungangoda kutsvaga nzira dzekuichengetedza, kunyangwe Binance ari mumwe we iyo yakachengeteka cryptocurrency kuchinjanisa kwave nekubira zviitiko uye mari yakarasika. Nekuda kwehunhu hwewallet mukutsinhana, vanozogara vari online ("Hot Wallets" sezvatinovadaidza), nekudaro vachifumura zvimwe zvinhu zvekusagadzikana. Nzira yakachengeteka yekuchengetedza mari yako kusvika parizvino inogara ichiisa mumhando ye "Cold Wallets", uko chikwama chinongowana mukana we blockchain (kana kungo "enda online") paunotumira mari, ichideredza mikana Hacking zviitiko. Pepa chikwama imhando yemahara inotonhora wallet, inongove kero inogadzirwa kunze kwepamhepo kero yeruzhinji neyepachivande uye uchainyora kumwe kunhu, woichengetedza. Nekudaro, haina kusimba uye inobatwa nenjodzi dzakasiyana siyana.

Hardware wallet pano zvirokwazvo iri nani sarudzo yechando wallet. Ivo vanowanzo shandisa USB-inogonesa michina inochengetedza ruzivo rwakakosha rwechikwama chako nenzira yakasimba. Iwo akavakwa nemauto-level chengetedzo uye firmware yavo inogara ichichengetwa nevagadziri vavo uye nekudaro yakachengeteka zvakanyanya. Ledger Nano S naLedger Nano X uye ndidzo sarudzo dzinonyanya kufarirwa muchikamu ichi, zvikwama izvi zvinodhura madhora makumi mashanu kusvika kumadhora zana zvichienderana nemaitiro avari kupa. Kana iwe wakabata zvinhu zvako aya wallet ikudyara kwakanaka mumaonero edu.

Mibvunzo Inowanzo bvunzwa

Ndingatenga MAID nemari here?

Iko hakuna nzira yakananga yekutenga MAID nemari. Nekudaro, unogona kushandisa misika yakadai se LocalBitcoins kutanga kutenga BTC , uye kupedza mamwe matanho nekuendesa BTC yako kune imwe neimwe AltCoin kuchinjana.

LocalBitcoins ndeye peer-to-peer Bitcoin exchange. Inzvimbo yemusika apo vashandisi vanogona kutenga uye kutengesa Bitcoins kune uye kubva kune mumwe nemumwe. Vashandisi, vanonzi vatengesi, vanogadzira zviziviso nemutengo uye nzira yekubhadhara yavanoda kupa. Iwe unogona kusarudza kutenga kubva kune vatengesi kubva kune imwe nzvimbo iri padyo pachikuva. mushure mezvose inzvimbo yakanaka yekuenda kunotenga Bitcoins kana usingakwanise kuwana nzira dzekubhadhara dzaunoda kumwe kumwe. Asi mitengo inowanzokwira papuratifomu iyi uye iwe unofanirwa kuita hunyanzvi hwako kuti udzivise kubiridzirwa.

Pane dzimwe nzira dzinokurumidza kutenga MAID muEurope?

Ehe, kutaura zvazviri, Europe ndiyo imwe yenzvimbo dziri nyore kutenga cryptos mune zvakajairika. Kune kunyange mabhanga epaIndaneti ayo iwe unogona kungovhura account uye kutumira mari kune kuchinjana kwakadai se Coinbase uye Uphold.

Pane mamwe mapuratifomu ekutenga MAID kana Bitcoin nemakadhi echikwereti?

Ehe. zvakare iri nyore kushandisa chikuva chekutenga Bitcoin nemakadhi echikwereti. Iko iko iko kwekuchinjana kwe digital mari iyo inokutendera iwe kuchinjanisa crypto nekukurumidza uye uitenge nekadhi rebhangi. Yayo mushandisi interface iri nyore kwazvo kushandisa uye nhanho dzekutenga dzakanaka-dzinotsanangura.

Verenga zvakawanda pane MaidSafeCoin 's basics uye mutengo wazvino pano.

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